Black Ops 2: Bad Ending(Letting Menendez Live w/ Dead Karma)

Описание к видео Black Ops 2: Bad Ending(Letting Menendez Live w/ Dead Karma)

This is what happens if you let Menendez live in the games ending if you made bad choices like saving Harper and letting Karma die.
To get the Best ending your missions need to look like this:
-Pyrrhic Victory - Mason rescues Woods
-Celerium - Celerium device recovered
-Old Wounds - Kravchenko thoroughly interrogated - learned about potential mole in CIA
-Time and Fate - Compound thoroughly searched - learned about potential mole in CIA
-Fallen Angel - Zhao secret meetig details discovered
-Harper successfully protected
-Karma - Karma secured, DeFalco dead
-Suffer With Me - Menendez does not completely succeed in manipulating Woods
-Achilles' Veil - CIA undercover operative Farid survives
-Strategic Defense Coalition allied with US military - Strike Force complete
-Obysseus - Admiral Briggs survived & re-activated USS Obama's defenses
-SDC sent hundreds of drones to protect the USS Obama
-The Obama's defenses hold in time for SDC reinforcements arrive - the Obama was saved!
-Karma & the crew of the USS Obama survived Menendez attack!
-Cordis Die - President Bosworth is saved
-Judgement Day - Menendez is captured


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